For some participants with Dementia, doll therapy can help them feel calm.
Required Supplies
• Weighted baby dolls
• Baby clothing: socks, hats, shirts, pants
• Baby accessories: baby blanket, baby bottle etc.
Group Size
Min: 1
Max: 1
• Doll therapy must be written in the participant’s care plan. The team must be briefed and aware of the doll.
Activity Instructions
1. If you think that a participant might be appropriate for doll therapy, discuss the plan with the care team.
2. Introduce the baby to the participant.
3. Ask the participant to name the baby and if they would like to take care of it.
4. Bring the baby clothes, blanket and bottle for the participant to use with the baby.
Activity Instruction Adaptations
• Some participants will respond really well to doll therapy, and others will not. If the participant gives the baby back, it is likely that they are not interested in taking care of the baby.
• For participants who would like to take care of the baby, try and provide for the ‘needs’ of the baby as the participants sees fit.