Dried Flower Bookmarks

Preserve flowers and leaves by dying them and making them into something new!

Required Supplies

• Flowers and leaves that are dried (you can do this yourself)

• Clear laminating sticker

• Cardstock in various colours

• Pens, pencil crayons, markers

• Scisscors 

• Ruler 

• Table

• Liquid glue

• Single hole punch

• Twine, yarn or string


Group Size

Min: 1
Max: 8


Sharp object.

Preparation Steps

Create a template for the program by cutting a sheet of paper into a bookmark (2.5″ x 8.5″) and card size (3.5″ x 2″).

Activity Instructions

1. Have participants choose whether they would like to start with making a bookmark, a card or something else.

2. Partcipants can use the cut-out templates to outline their cardstock or cut their own.

3. After the cardstock is cut, outline the cardstock TWICE on a piece of laminating paper (one for the front, and one for the back).

4. Allow participants to choose the colour and shape of the dried flowers that they would like to show on the card.

5. Decorate the cardstock on both sides by drawing, writing, colouring and more. 

6. Glue the flower into place.

7. Participants may need assistance with the next step with laminating. 

8. Cut out the template on the piece of laminating paper. There should be two pieces, one for the front and one for the back.

9. Take off the adhesive backing and hold the corners, placing the laminating paper face up on the sticky side. 

10. Place the project face up on the laminating paper.

11. Using the other piece of laminating paper, take off the adhesive backing and gently place on top of the cardstock. Try your best to have the corners line up.

IF making a bookmark:

12. Using the single hole punch, make a hole in the top of the bookmark (if desired).

13. Cut a piece of string and tie it through the hole.