Silk Scarf Painting

Make a stylish scarf by painting on silk. It’s easier than you think AND always turns out beautiful!

Leisure and benefit outcomes

-Sensory: incorporates bright colours, touch
-Practices following step-by-step instructions
-Concentration and focus

Required Supplies

Chiffon Scarves
Various Prochion H Dye Colours (non toxic)
Medicine Cups
Paint brushes
Plastic table cloth
Glass trays (8.5x14mm)
Portable Ironing Board

Group Size

Min: 1+
Max: 4


Ingestion of Dye
Spills and Stains on Clothes (Dye is washable)

Preparation Steps

Set up tables with table cloth on top.
Set up ironing board and iron away from participants.
Set up glass tray, apron, gloves, scarf, paint brushes on table for each participant.
Fill tray of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water, set aside.

Activity Instructions

Ask participants to open wrapped scarf and place it in the glass tray.
Have participants put on apron, gloves and roll sleeves that may get dye on them.
Take each scarf and dip into vinegar and water solution, wring excess liquid back vinegar tray. 
Have participant unwrap scarf and lay it on tray. 
Show partipants dye colours and allow each participant to choose 2-3 colours to paint their scarf with.
Using medicine cups, pour enough to cover the bottom of the cup (a little goes a long way!).
Demonstrate using the dye to paint on white scarf. The scarf will stay white where it is not painted.
When the participant is finished painting, take tray and microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds or until the scarf is not longer wet.
After microwaving, lay scarf on the ironing board and iron on very low heat until the wrinkles are smoothed out.
Repeat for each participant.
And..voila! Self-made silk scarves are complete!  

Activity Instruction Adaptations

We place our microwave on a 3 tier cart with the materials on shelves below. We also have a large colour chart for participants to choose their colours

Costs: around $8.00 per participant
Ideal Group Size: 1 instruction to 4 participants