There can be barriers that keep people from meeting in person. Set up video calls for participants to connect with their loved ones.
Required Supplies
• Electronic device (a tablet is recommended as it has a large screen)
• Wifi
• Number or username of family/friend
Group Size
Min: 1
Max: 1
Potential technical difficulties.
Preparation Steps
• If a participant would like to connect with their loved one over a video call, contact the family to receive a number to call or username for platform
• Choose a platform to connect on: Facetime, Skype, Zoom etc.
Activity Instructions
1. Set up electronic device with connection to wifi
2. Download desired platform for video calls
3. Add username of loved one
4. Set up a time to call. We set up calls for 30 minutes at a time.
5. Before the call, help participant get ready for the call.
6. Start call and ensure that participant and loved one can hear and see one another.
7. Pick up device after 30 minutes and santize for the next scheduled call.
Activity Instruction Adaptations
• If needed, use earphones for participants
• For participants who are easily distracted, stay and redirect the partcipant.